• How did you get started in the fashion industry?

    Syeda: Hi, I’m Syeda Mohsin, I'm a full time mechanical engineer working in the space industry, and I love fashion, fitness and anything related to personal growth (I'm a virgo rising haha). I love to develop my logical mind and critical thinking skills as an engineer, but I also try to balance that with my natural gifts in the creative world- ie, fashion, my YouTube channel, and on Instagram @sehrish_mohsinn

    Recently I've started modeling and I love it and can't wait to do more. I have always loved fashion. My mom is super stylish and when I was little, I'd watch her do her makeup every day, and would sneak off with her high heels and walk down my fake runway in my bedroom. Fashion is artistic, creative, and is the perfect outlet for self expression and helps me appear as my highest self everyday. I moved to LA in 2021 for my engineering job, but around this time I also started to post my outfits everyday on Instagram and started to explore my personal style a little more boldly :)

  • What are some of your favorite brands? What do you like most about them?

    Syeda: I love athleisure. I love Lulu Lemon, Gymshark and Hey Harper. I love these brands because they are practical, durable, high quality, can be worn for working out, or for running errands, and last FOREVER. I love Hey Harper because I don't have to worry about taking their jewelry off before showering. I'm really busy and these brands all allow me to look good and polished, while also not being a nuisance in my day to day.

  • What is your favorite way to spend a day off?

    Syeda: My favorite way to spend the day off, is to get to bed early the night before, to a nice clean apartment and clean sheets. Ideally I'm well rested and can wake up by 5:30 AM or 6 AM. I drink coffee on my couch and journal and meditate, and then go to a workout class at Equinox. After my workout, I sit in the sauna, then shower and do my makeup, and put on a cute outfit. After, I would go home and work on some personal projects (filming a Youtube video, working on my coding projects), and then head into my evening by either cooking my boyfriend dinner or going out with my friends. 

  • What are some locations on your bucket list to travel to, and why?

    Syeda: This year I really want to visit Spain. The city is so beautiful, and the people and the food are to die for!

  • What is some advice that you have for people looking to get more out of social media?

    Syeda: If you really want to take on the social media world, I’d say go for it. Just have fun, and don’t over think it.
